I don’t know what I should write, but I just need a place to express the feelings I have.
I don’t even listen to your music that much. I don’t follow any 1D member, except for listening to Night Changes, Story of My Life, one thing, and what makes you beautiful. But when I heard the news, I was like, “Huh?” I was so shocked. I was like, “Why?” I felt so sad.
I don’t know why it hit me so hard. I have no idea why I’m shedding tears as I type all of this.
After it happened, I learned more about you. I know about the safety pin, that you’re Bear’s papa, your tattoos—everything.
After all these days since you passed, I thought I would eventually forget about it. But you’re still on my mind. Every time I see something about you, it makes me so sad, thinking that I will never see you again.
I’m scared that you’ll fade away from my memory. This is why I’m writing this down. I might definitely feel dumb about it in the future, but I just want to remember you.
The TikTok video showing a butterfly landing at one of the memorial places—I’m sure that was you, trying to tell me you’re okay. The 1D-shaped cloud in the sky—I’m sure that was you too, reminding us that you’re always with us.
If I had the ability to time travel, I think from now on my first priority would be to stop this from happening. I’d do anything to make sure you’re still here with us. Maybe it’s too much, but that’s how I feel.
Now, every time I hear you sing, “Seems to me that when I die these words will be written on my stone,” it shatters my heart into pieces. And yes, you’ll be gone, gone tonight. The story of my life will never be the same again, just like how fast the night changes. 😭
Fly high Liam. 🕊️